Formação Profissional

Portuguese as a Second or Foreign Language, A2 level.

Formação Profissional



Following a request by the Erasmus students who attended Portuguese as a Second or Foreign Language (level A1) in the 1st semester, a course has been designed that allows them to progress in learning the language. During the course, we will focus on developing communication skills as well as enhancing knowledge about Portuguese culture, which will help students integrate, not only at the institution but also in Portuguese society as a whole.    

At the end of the course unit the learner is expected to be able to:



Knowledge, skills and attitudes

Oral Comprehension

  • Understand the main points of clear standard speech/conversation;
  • Identify the role of prosodic properties;

​Oral Expression

  • Report events and experiences; formulate plans, ambitions and projects;
  • Express physical sensations, desires and emotions;
  • Explain tastes and opinions;
  • Use a series of phrases and sentences to speak in a basic manner about daily routines;
  • Follow spontaneous speech in an intelligible form; 
  • Describe places and actions, physical and emotional states;
  • Present issues, problems and concepts, using images;
  • Develop fluency trough role-playing;

Oral Interaction

  • Give, agree/disagree with, justify an opinion;
  • Make/accept suggestions;
  • Present/accept proposals;
  • Describe artistic manifestations and recreation/leisure activities
  • Give/ask/respond to instructions;


  • Understand the global meaning, content and intention of short and basic texts;
  • Recognise the sequence of events in narrative texts;
  • Identify the function of discourse markers;
  • Use specialised dictionaries efficiently;  
  • Recognise bibliographic reference items;
  • Identify instructional verbs (transcrever, indicar, sublinhar, apontar, destacar, assinalar, enumerar, justificar...) in written exams and assignments;

Written Expression

  • ​Write simple connected texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest;
  • Write short, simple notes and messages on current issues;
  • Answer questionnaires about different subjects;
  • Participate in group writing activities;


  • Master the fundamental aspects of verb inflection [pretérito imperfeito do indicativo (used to + past), modo imperativo (imperative mood) and presente do conjuntivo (present subjunctive);
  • Use the most common coordination phrases;
  • Establish semantic relations between words;
  • Organise words from the same family, lexical or semantic field;
  • Recognise synonyms and antonyms;
  • Recognise and use vocabulary of the following fields: weights and units of measure, packages, daily routine, means of transportation, weather, personal experiences, recreation and leisure, artistic manifestations, country;

Cultural Interaction

  • ​Understand the cultural similarities and differences between native language and second or foreign languages.


Mónica Castro is a native teacher of Portuguese at secondary and vocational schools (since 2001), as well as a drama and decorative arts and crafts trainer (since 2004). From 2008 to 2014, she taught Communicating in Portuguese Language, Written and Oral Expression at ISMAI. In 2015, she became a trainer for trainers and pedagogical director at Pequenos Reis (Angola). Currently, she is a teacher of Portuguese at ISMAI and at Academia de Música de Costa Cabral. She has participated in various vocational training session and workshops (New Portuguese Orthographic Agreement, Writing, Oral Proceedings, Literature and English).

Target Audience

Erasmus+ incoming students and other foreign students.

Access Conditions